

For The Community By The Community

With your help the Hesters Way Forum have produced a plan for the improvement of the Hesters Way Ward  (map)

Residents, local employees and volunteers have combined help to choose what and where development takes place for the benefit of the community.

The plan deals with:

  • Parks and wildlife
  • Walking, cycling and public transport
  • Traffic and parking
  • Public art and gateways
  • Business, retail and training
  • Sport leisure and play
  • Biodiversity and climate change
  • Affordable housing

Interested? Then see below how the Forum is helping shape our community!

To see a SUMMARY click here

For the FULL PLAN in detail click latest plan developments


Forum Questionnaire

The Hesters Way Forum is gathering information to finalise the Neighbourhood Development Plan for Hesters Way and if you live, work or study locally, we would really appreciate your help in completing the attached questionnaire. There are a lot of questions but we’ve made answering then easy so it should only take about 10 minutes to …


Hesters Way Neighbourhood Plan (NDP)

The residents, organisations and businesses in Hesters Way are putting together a plan for the future development of the area. If you would like more information please see the documents below or come along and share your views at one of our public discussion meetings.

Latest Draft Plan – January 2021

The latest draft plan can be viewed here

Hesters Way Ward – Plan Area

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