The Hesters Way Forum has identified the Hesters Way Road Shops as in need of some TLC. We have come up with a simple survey for you to find out what people think. Please take a few moments to answer the questions in the link below

The Cheltenham Borough Council approved the GOLDEN VALLEY DEVELOPMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT on July 20th.
This document outlines the proposals for the cyber hub commercial estate and the residential developments to the west of Hesters Way, Fiddlers Green and Springbank.
Please see the link below to view the document
Road improvement works on the A40 at the Golden Valley roundabout and Telstar Way will be starting on Monday 20th June. To see exactly what’s planned for road widening, Fiddlers Green Lane, bus stops, pedestrian access, tree planting and the underpass take a look at the documents below.
Thanks to Chris Anderson for the images 🙂
In 2016 a group of local people gathered to together with the hope of coming up with a plan to make Hesters Way a better place to live. After hundreds of hours of conversation, discussion and debate the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is now taking shape. The Steering Committee would very much like to thank everyone involved for their effort, goodwill, and encouragement throughout the process.
Thanks for taking the time to read the Hesters Way Neighbourhood Development Plan we hope you agree that the NDP presents a fabulous vision for the future and offers the chance for every resident to thrive. If you would like to comment on the draft plan or attend a meeting please contact us here
If you want to see more please visit the documents page here
Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Councils are working together to drive a world class development at West Cheltenham to be known as Cyber Central Garden Community. Their vision is to create a vibrant pioneering community integrating hi-tech business, residential and leisure uses. It will require the highest standards of environmental sustainability integrating exemplar homes as part of a thriving campus and garden community.
This planning framework called a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) above will provide a broad masterplan setting out important principles including connections from existing neighbourhoods, the design of green spaces, new homes, employment spaces and community facilities. This SPD follows on from the allocation of this land for the development in principle through the adopted Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy (2017). Going forward this SPD will inform future planning application submissions on the site.
CBC and TBC are keen to hear your views which can be submitted here; up to 17th February 2020.
There are also drop-in consultation events to meet the SPD team and view the masterplan SPD:
Thursday 23rd January 2020
12:30 – 3:30pm at Springbank Community Centre, Cheltenham, GL51 0LG
4:30 – 7:30pm at Hester’s Way Community Centre, Cheltenham, GL51 7SU
Saturday 1st February 2020
10:30am – 1:30pm at Regent Arcade, High St, Cheltenham, GL50 1JZ 2:30 – 5:30pm at Cheltenham West Community Fire Station, Tewkesbury Road, GL51 9SN
It is not the most attractive piece of land in Lancashire. But for Janine Bebbington and her friends, Moorside Fields was where all the important things in life happened.
“It was our playground, it was where we went and climbed trees, used the running track from the nearby school, played rounders, explored, kissed people in the bushes, drank cider, did all the things that people get up to in green spaces.”
Sitting in the middle of three estates in south Lancaster, the five fields have been enjoyed by locals for more than half a century. But plans to ensure that future generations will find delights there have been scuppered by the supreme court. On Wednesday, the court stripped Moorside Fields of its village green status, a ruling that campaigners predict will have major implications for the protection of open spaces across England and Wales.
The Royal Institute of British Architects gives out the award each year to the UK’s best new building.
An eco-friendly council estate in Norwich has scooped 2019’s prestigious Riba Stirling Prize for architecture. The estate, called Goldsmith Street, is made up of almost 100 ultra low-energy homes for Norwich City Council. It beat the likes of London Bridge Station and the Nevill Holt Opera, Market Harborough, to the prize.
You may also be interested to see some more information about the project and a video of this years RIBA Stirling Award winner which features a fantastic and inspirational affordable homes development.
RIBA Sterling Award
Video 1 Video 2
We hope you were able to attend the Cyber Hub drop-ins on September 11th at Hesters Way or Springbank Centres. If not there is another one scheduled for 4.30-7.30pm at GLOSCOL on September 19th. We will be discussing these at the start of the meeting on the 23rd.
Avison Young who are running the consultation and preparing initial designs have suplied the following background information. The map may be concerning but its “indicative” and clearly not inspired by our Forum masterplan!
For more information contact Cheltenham Borough Council Communications Team on 01242 264 332 or email
The dates for our next meeting meetings at Hester’s Way Community Centre are as follows;
The next meeting of the Forum will focus on the key aspirations for the plan including ;
If you would like to help us with these projects or to share your views and please drop in to the Hester’s Way Community Resource Centre on Cassin Drive on Monday 23rd September at 5.30pm
See meetings pages for more information